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Nikon and Sony are solving the Deepfake Problem Using Digital Signatures

Sushil Ghorpade
In December last year, Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia spoke at the Annual Press Conference in Moscow. Towards the end of the event, he took questions via video…

Unlocking Efficiency: The Four Key Advantages of Electronic Signatures in Insurance

Pooja Patil
Industries across the globe are undergoing a significant transformation to keep pace with the demands of the digital age. Among these, the insurance sector stands out as a beacon…

Transforming Traditional Patient Intake Forms with eSignatures

Pooja Patil
In the healthcare sector, the process of patient intake has traditionally been associated with stacks of paperwork, manual data entry, and prolonged waiting times. Patient intake…

How eSignatures Offer Paperless Solutions for HR Departments

Pooja Patil
In today's business landscape of rapid technological advancements, businesses across the globe are steering toward digital transformation to streamline operations, enhance…

Securing Tomorrow: Unveiling the Future of Digital Trust with PKI

Pooja Patil
In an era marked by the relentless digitization of communication and transactions, the imperative for robust security measures has never been more pronounced. At the heart of this…

Signing Contracts with eSignatures for Long-term Success

Vijith Menon
In the vibrant and rapidly evolving landscape of business transactions in India, the adoption of online contracts has become a catalyst for efficiency, transparency, and…